The work of a truck crane is sometimes carried out in traffic conditions, that is, on the roadway.

In this case, it is necessary to carry out the work in such a way as to ensure safety for road users and those who carry out the work, as well as to prevent accidents.

For this purpose, a number of documents have been developed:

  • Instructions for organizing work in traffic conditions.
  • Sectoral road methodological document of the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) "Recommendations on the organization of traffic and fencing of road works.

At the same time, Instructions for organizing work in road traffic conditions must be followed by all enterprises that carry out work in road traffic conditions, including installation, construction work involving a truck crane.

Carrying out such work requires careful preparation. Therefore, before the start of work, a scheme for organizing the movement of vehicles and pedestrians is drawn up for the site where the work will be carried out. It specifies in detail the parameters of the site, all structures, exits, detours, entrances and other features of the site, and also indicates the type of work, the timing of the work, the company that carries out these works. Drawing up a diagram is the responsibility of the head of the structural unit.

The chief engineer and the head of the structural unit approves the traffic organization scheme and fencing of the work sites. In addition, the document must be agreed with local authorities and the traffic police. If work is carried out that includes the transfer or reorganization of engineering communications, then it is also necessary to coordinate with all interested organizations.

The personnel who perform the work, without fail, before starting it, undergo targeted instruction on labor protection. Also, workers are introduced to the course of the order of movement, the maneuverability of transport, conditional signaling, they are provided with signal vests of bright orange color.

When organizing work, all factors are taken into account, including the time of day, sections of roads (straight lines with good visibility, sections with limited visibility, bridge crossings, the number of lanes, etc.).

Of great importance for ensuring safety when performing work in traffic conditions are technical means and fencing of work places.

Temporary road signs must comply with GOST 10807-78, GOST 23457-86 “Road signs! General technical conditions ", their installation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23457-86" Technical means of traffic management. Terms of use ".

Fencing means include inventory shields, cones, portable barriers, and other means. They must be stable, durable and transportable. You must follow the rules for their installation and the sequence of their location.

For this purpose, a number of documents have been developed:


Instructions for organizing work in traffic conditions




Sectoral road methodological document of the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor)
"Recommendations for the organization of traffic and fencing of road works"





  • 196626, St. Petersburg,
    p. Shushary, st. Pushkinskaya 25 building 2
  • +7 (812) 309-70-07 (multichannel t / f)
  • +7 (911) 927-52-92 , 927-89-00 , 929-99-97
    (department: mobile rental cranes)
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.