For the transportation of heavy and (or) oversized cargo, you must obtain an appropriate permit. The procedure for issuing the required document determines the rules for accepting and considering applications, processing and issuing a permit. All these rules are spelled out in the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24,  2012 No. 258  "On Approval of the Procedure for Issuing a Special Permit for a Vehicle Carrying out the Transportation of Heavy and (or) Bulky Goods" . (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 11.10.2012 N 25656).

The document indicates the bodies that are authorized to issue permits, the rules for submitting an application, the procedure for considering and coordinating the route with the authorized body with the owners of highways and the state traffic inspectorate's governing bodies.

The appendices contain samples of a special permit, as well as samples of schemes of a vehicle (road train), with the use of which it is planned to transport heavy and (or) bulky goods.



A transport permit is issued to the vehicle owner or his representative. Before obtaining permission, the applicant submits an application, which is registered within one day by an official of the authorized body in the registration log. It is also possible to submit an application using the Portal, in which case the applicant can see his registration number in his personal account on the Portal.

The authorized body examines the documents for the presence of the authority to issue a permit, checks the compliance of the technical characteristics of the vehicle and cargo specified in the application, carries out other actions assigned to it. The term for consideration of the application is four working days.

The next stage is the coordination of the route of the vehicle that carries out the transportation of heavy cargo. Approval is carried out by the authorized body with the owners of highways along which such a route passes and the State Traffic Inspectorate.

After agreeing on the route of the vehicle, the authorized body issues a special permit. Registration of the application with the State Traffic Inspectorate is carried out within one working day. And the coordination of the route of the vehicle is carried out within four working days from the date of registration of the application from the authorized body.

Also, in some cases, for the transportation of heavy and (or) bulky goods, an assessment of the technical condition of highways, their strengthening or the adoption of special measures for the arrangement of highways, their sections, as well as structures and utilities crossing the highway is required. The decree clearly spelled out the procedure for conducting, the timing of such an assessment.

Obtaining a permit for the transportation of heavy and (or) oversized cargo is a complex and painstaking process.



  • 196626, St. Petersburg,
    p. Shushary, st. Pushkinskaya 25 building 2
  • +7 (812) 309-70-07 (multichannel t / f)
  • +7 (911) 927-52-92 , 927-89-00 , 929-99-97
    (department: mobile rental cranes)
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